The healing benefits of castor oil packs
Castor oil packs were first popularized by the late psychic healer Edgar Cayce and further researched by primary care physician, Dr William McGarey. Dr McGary had been aware of Cayce’s work and later went on to write the book The Oil that Heals, which further detailed the healing benefits that can be obtained from using castor oil.
McGarey stated that when castor oil packs are used properly they can improve the function of the thymus gland and other components of the immune system. He also reported on two separate studies that revealed that patients who used abdominal castor oil packs on a regular basis had significant increases in lymphocyte production compared to those who were given placebo packs.
Lymphatic congestion is a major factor leading to inflammation and disease.
Lymphocytes are your immune system’s disease-fighting cells and are produced and stored mainly in your lymphatic tissue (the thymus gland, spleen, and lymph nodes). Hundreds of miles of lymphatic tubules allow for waste to be collected from your tissues and then transported to your elimination channels, a process which is referred to as lymphatic drainage.
When your lymphatic system is not working properly, waste and toxins can build up and this may promote illness. According to Cayce and McGarey, the lymphocyte cell count increases when castor oil is absorbed through the skin. Increased lymphocyte cells will speed up the removal of toxins from your tissues which promotes a state of healing in the body.
There are several ways to use castor oil topically.
- You can simply rub unrefined castor oil onto the liver area and apply heat.
- Another ideas is to use a Organic Cotton Panty Liner that is coated in castor oil and lay this over the area of concern and then wrap in place. Using a liner is an easy and economical way to apply castor oil as it can be left on the skin for days at a time and the liner can be reapplied after taking a shower and you can easily add more castor oil to the liner if needed without making a mess.
- You can make a castor oil flannel pack using wool that has been soaked in castor oil over the area of concern and then apply heat. The video and instructions below gives a clear picture of how to use and store them properly.
- For larger or more systemic applications you can use the oil for a lymphatic massage. This is reported to be especially effective when applied along the spinal column and then massaged along your lymphatic pathways that line the spine on either side (see the spinal image below). An effective way to do this is to have a partner use their thumbs or the knuckles of both index fingers and apply circular pressure between the ribs as they travel up and down the back on either side of the spinal column.

To make a wool castor oil pack you will need the following supplies:
- A high quality Organic Castor Oil, preferably in a glass bottle.
- A heating pad or a hot water bottle
- A Flannel Pack, or you can cut your own piece of cotton flannel to size.
- An old bath towel (large size) to hold the heat in.
- Optional- you can add a few drops of Rosemary Essential Oil mixed with some castor oil and then rub this over the liver area before applying the castor oil pack. Rosemary contains chemical substances called caffeic and rosemarinic which help to facilitate proper functioning of the liver. Both of these chemicals can also help to reduce inflammation. Additionally, rosemary may help to stimulate the liver to produce glutathione which is one of the most important molecules in the detoxification process. Another good choice is Lemon Essential Oil which is detoxifying and promotes regeneration.
- One can also apply castor oil followed by a cabbage leaf and then apply the heat. One use organically grown cabbage for this purpose.
Instructions for making and using a castor oil pack
- Take precautions not to get castor oil on your clothes as it can stain certain materials. You can place a large old towel down on the couch to protect it and then wrap it around your abdomen to hold in the heat.
- Soak your flannel square with castor oil until it is completely saturated.
- Lay on your back with your feet slightly elevated (using a pillow under your knees and feet)
- Rub a few drops of the rosemary essential oil and then use castor oil to cover the liver area
- Place the soaked flannel onto your abdomen.
- Place a heating pad or hot water bottle over the flannel.
- Wrap the towel around everything in order to insulate the heat.
- Leave the pack on for 1 to 2 hours.
- When finished you can remove the oil from your skin by washing with a solution of two tablespoons of baking soda and water or use soap and water.
- You may want to wash the towel by itself as the castor oil can make your clothes smell odd if they are washed together.
- You can reuse the wool pack several times. The best way is to store it is by placing it into a mason jar with a lid and then re-saturate with new oil at the next use.
- Replace the pack when it becomes discolored or begins to smell.
- For maximum effectiveness apply the packs for four consecutive days of every week, and do this for one month. Patients who use the castor oil pack in this fashion basis report having the most benefits.
- You can use castor oil packs anywhere on the body to relieve lymphatic congestion or muscle soreness.
- Include your favorite essential oils to get their additional healing benefits.
It is recommended that you do a “test patch” prior to applying a castor oil pack to make sure you don’t have an allergic reaction to the oil.
How to make and use a castor oil pack for the relief of pain and inflammation, as well as to stimulate the liver and lymphatic system.
Additional Reading
Read more about detoxification protocols
Read more about the healing benefits of essential oils
Products from the article:
Heritage Store Unrefined Castor Oil
Heritage Store Organic Flannel Pack