The benefits of coffee enemas
Most of us are over-burdened with toxins in general, but this is especially true for someone who has been diagnosed with cancer. Coffee enemas can be particularly helpful for anyone who is undergoing dietary cleanses and detoxifying protocols that can cause symptoms of “die-off” as they will help to ensure that your liver is not being overburdened as the body is breaking down tumors, allowing toxic debris to be safely and quickly eliminated from the body.
How coffee enemas work to cleanse the liver
Coffee enemas stimulate the liver to release accumulated bile and toxins. Since the body reuses bile (by continually reabsorbing it through the large intestine), the liver tends to accumulate and store all of the toxins that are being held within that bile. The caffeine that is naturally found in coffee will cause the blood vessels and bile ducts within the liver to dilate, while the palmitates- which are the enzymes that are found naturally in coffee, will stimulate the liver to produce new bile. By doing both of these actions simultaneously, the old toxin-laden bile will be dumped into the large intestine where it will be safely expelled from the body and be replaced with new bile.
It is important to note that one should only hold the coffee enema for 12-15 minutes, otherwise the toxins and bile may be reabsorbed back into the system and carried back to the liver. During that 12-15 minutes, the blood will have passed through the liver’s filtering system about 4-5 times, carrying the toxins that were picked up from the tissues and depositing them for removal. Additionally, one should only use organic coffee or you will be exposing yourself to harmful herbicides and pesticides.
Gerson Clinic as well as the metabolic diet and detoxification protocols offered at the clinic of Dr Linda Isaacs includes coffee enema’s as a major component of their detoxification protocols. Dr Nicholas Gonzalez reported this in regards to coffee enemas, “As a patient is going through cancer treatment, and the tumor is starting to breaking down, you get all that dead tumor waste and the liver can get overloaded. The body needs help in mobilizing and neutralizing and excreting all of the toxic debris. We use procedures like coffee enemas that we find help the liver work more efficiently, both in terms of phase 1 and phase 2 detoxification systems.”
The health benefits of coffee enemas
Dramatically increases glutathione levels- Doctors at the University of Minnesota showed that coffee administered rectally also simulates an enzyme system in the liver called glutathione S-transerase by 600-700% above the normal activity levels. This enzyme reacts with free radicals that can cause cellular damage in the bloodstream and neutralizes them. These substances are then dissolved into the bile to be released along with the rest of bile that is flowing from the liver and gallbladder and excreted into the large intestine for removal.
Provides relief from cancer related pain- Coffee enemas are also said to dramatically relieve pain, often so-much-so that pain medication can be decreased or eliminated altogether. This was discovered back in World War 1 when thousands of injured soldiers were in agony due to lack of morphine, and surgeons and nurses were desperately trying to help them. One of the nurses on duty decided to try using an enema to help alleviate the pain of a suffering soldier. Coffee was the only sterile solution available so she decided to try it. To the amazement of everyone involved, the soldier reported that his pain had significantly diminished.
How often should you do a coffee enema?
Someone with cancer should be doing 2 to 6 per day
For those in remission- once per week or 2 times a month is recommended.
How to brew a larger amount of coffee if you are doing multiple enemas per day as is required for anyone doing Gerson therapy
Additional Resources
Read more about Gerson therapy
Read more about the Gonzalez protocol offered by Dr Linda Isaacs in New York
Read about other detoxification protocols
Products from the article:
Non-Toxic Stainless Steel Enema Kit
Roasted Organic Enema Coffee – 1 Pound Bag