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I created this website to share detailed information about cancer, nutrition, and natural therapies so that those who are searching could find the resources that they need in a timely manner. My goal was to research and create informative posts so that anyone looking for a particular treatment would have a good starting point that included reference materials, videos, and the products that they might need in order to begin these therapies right away, if they wished to do so.
Why I started this website
There was a time when cancer was very much outside of my direct circle of family and friends. But that all changed abruptly when my sister was diagnosed with Hodgkins lymphoma, my sister-in-law was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, a very close friend with kidney cancer that had metastasized to her lungs, my son’s teacher was diagnosed with sinus cancer that had spread to her spine, and another friend was struggling with a relapse of breast cancer. All of these women were battling cancer within a very short time period of time. I had no experience to draw from, but I felt very strongly that there had to be a better way to heal from cancer than what they were being offered by their doctors.
Soon after my sister began her conventional treatments, I was handed a book about natural healing from a mutual friend and was instructed to pass it along to her. I read the information first and it opened a new avenue of healing that I knew very little about. The book was How to Fight Cancer & Win, by William Fischer. Thankfully my sister was very open to receiving this information and she began to incorporate a variety of alternative healing protocols into her plan. They included changing her diet significantly to a mostly whole foods form of eating, that also included lots of juicing, making super-food smoothies, taking a variety of supplements, drinking Essiac Tea, and eating apricot kernels.
My sister was already well into her conventional treatments by the time she read the book and did not feel comfortable stopping them, but she was inspired by the information that she had received and began to work very hard to support her body nutritionally while having these treatments. Thankfully Hodgkin’s lymphoma is one of the few cancers that actually responds better to conventional therapies than most others.
As she was recovering from her treatments, she said there was no way that she could ever go through a cancer diagnosis again, and it became my mission to make sure that she did not have to. Everyone else that I listed above has passed away following the use of conventional treatments. My sister has not had a recurrence of the disease. I feel this is due to the nutritional support that she received and the long-term lifestyle changes that she made.
My sister-in-law had many treatments for her pancreatic cancer that included radiation, multiple rounds of chemotherapy and several surgeries to place stents into her blocked pancreas, but she eventually reached a point where there was nothing more that her doctors could offer her. It was at this time that I talked her into eating better, juicing fresh vegetables, and eating apricot kernels. She did those therapies and she started feeling good. Then an experimental chemotherapy trial opened up and she decided that to enroll into it. In order to partake in the trial she was told that couldn’t take any supplements, enzymes, or do anything else that might support her body in any way lest she be removed from the study…sadly she followed those rules exactly and she died shortly thereafter.
When I first began my alternative cancer Facebook page, I was doing it as a way to share the information that I was researching. From there it has grown to include the development of this blog. At the time that I started researching alternative cancer treatments, it was my belief that the patient who employs a variety of methods to heal and support their body– and doesn’t rely on conventional medicine alone is a patient who will survive their diagnosis. But as time has passed, and after researching and hearing from so many who have healed themselves with alternative methods only, as well as listening to some very impressive alternative doctors, my beliefs have evolved to support the practice of alternative medicine as the first choice. Whatever your decisions regarding the use of conventional therapies, it is imperative that you change the internal environment that led to the development of cancer in the first place and that you make those changes permanent. You can never return to your old way of living because cancer stem cells are always left behind regardless of the modality that you choose. You can find more specifics diet, supplements and lifestyle choices within this blog.
Thank you for visiting,
Connie Black