“I am not a doctor, nor is vitamin B17 approved by the FDA. All I know is that I am cancer free because of taking this simple vitamin.” Sandi Rog
Sandi Rog heals from stage 4 non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma with laetrile and diet changes
Sandi is the author of several books, a loving wife, mother to four children, and a stage 4 Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma survivor. Her journey with poor health began with a diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis that occurred several years prior to the cancer diagnosis for which she was prescribed various medications. The oncologist who later treated her for the lymphoma told her that the drugs that she took for the MS most likely played a role in the development of the cancer.

It was on November 1st 2010, when Sandi was diagnosed with stage 4 lymphoma. Her doctor recommended that she begin chemotherapy right away because the “cancer was very aggressive.” Sandi says that she felt rushed into treatments and that she was not given a chance to explore anything, let alone given time to consult with her husband. She says, “I just went with what my oncologist said. He had thirty years of experience. He said that this is the best thing.”
The chemotherapy regimen was very intensive and required her to stay in the hospital for 5 days at a time. It also caused her to become very ill. She says. “I spent a good year sitting or lying down on our living-room couch, while I had to watch someone else take care of my four children, with no ability to take part in their lives other than as a spectator.”
When these treatments failed to cure the cancer Sandi was given a stem cell transplant. Her doctors assured her that they still “had a fighting chance to beat this.” In order to perform this procedure her doctors had to destroy her immune system with high-dose chemotherapy along with full-body radiation, then they introduced the donor stem cells in the hopes that this would restart her immune system.
The greatest fear that any stem cell recipient has is graft-versus-host disease, which is when the new stem cells begin to attack the cells of the recipient. The three most prominent areas that this damage occurs are in the G.I tract, liver, or the skin. Following the transplant, Sandi began to have complications with her liver, so the doctors put her on higher doses of immune-suppression drugs to prevent further damage. Looking back, Sandi says that taking these drugs may have prevented her body from fighting the cancer. Unfortunately the cancer returned yet again, this time in the form of three tumors that her doctors treated with more radiation.
Following that relapse, Sandi’s husband began researching alternative treatments. She began to juice organic vegetables as well consulted with a naturopathic doctor, but shortly thereafter she had 5 more tumors appear. It was at this point that Sandi refused to have them biopsied. She says that she no longer wanted to know what they were as she had made the decision to refuse any further chemotherapy or radiation treatments. All of this occurred around the same time that her husband began reading the book World Without Cancer; The Story of Vitamin B17, which was written by G. Edward Griffin. She began taking Vitamin B17 Capsules every day along with some other supplements and pancreatic enzymes that she read would help the B17 work better. Coincidentally, her doctor began to lower her dose of the immune-suppression drugs at which time she took the initiative to wean herself off of them completely unbeknownst to her medical team. Her doctors were horrified when they found this out.
Her next PET scan took place 10 weeks later and revealed that 3 of her tumors were completely gone and the other 2 were barely visible. Sandi’s doctor walked into the office and said, “Your PET scan looks great! Whatever you’re doing, keep doing it. It’s working.” He leaned forward, elbows on his knees. “What are you doing?” She handed him her list of supplements that included the B17. He said, “Since you’re not on any treatment plan from us, I don’t see any reason for you to keep seeing us. And what you’re doing seems to be working better than anything we have to offer. You should continue with your current treatments and go and live your life.” He then asked if she was seeing another doctor who had prescribed these treatments. She lifted up her copy of the book World Without Cancer and said, “I’m ‘seeing’ the doctors in this book.”
Sandi reports that she went back to the cancer ward in order to share what she has learned about B17 with the other cancer patients there. She took along photo copies of information that she copied from the book World Without Cancer to hand out to them. She said that most of the patients were very open to receiving her information, but the hospital soon informed her that she was not allowed to come back unless she had a specific appointment, otherwise security would be called.
Sandi Rog’s supplements and healing routine:
- She took 1,000 mg per day of Vitamin B17 tablets, which were divided into two 500 mg doses. The tablets are to be taken 1/2 hour before mealtimes.
- She took DMG Capsules which benefits the immune system and has anti-cancer properties, and is a companion supplement for those taking vitamin b17. She took 500 mg per day
- She took Zinc Orotate at the same time as the B17 as this helps it to absorb better
- She took Pancreatic Enzymes, these are helpful for the digestion and assimilation of nutrients and can be used to help break down the protein coating that masks cancerous cells from the immune system. This is another recommended supplement for those taking B17. You can read more about systemic enzyme therapy with this link
- She cut back on meat products, only eating them on occasion
- She juiced organic fruits and vegetables. Read an article about juicing
- She would make smoothies with organic fruits and veggies. Read an article about making smoothies
- She ate the seeds of apples, peaches, apricots, etc which also contain a small amount of laetrile (B17)