“At first, I had no clue what spiritual healing was all about. Although I was brought up in a very strict religious faith [Catholicism] I hadn’t been practicing it, so I was off on an adventure of my own. Little did I know that the spiritual healer was myself! I found that out after I had been diagnosed as cancer – free the following year, and most of my healing was just looking at and connecting with my inner self.” Bridget Dinsmore
Bridget Dinsmore heals from uterine cancer with diet changes and spiritual therapies

It was in 2002 when Bridget Dinsmore became concerned for her health when she noticed some intermittent vaginal bleeding. She called her nurse who set up an appointment with her gynecologist and it was discovered upon further examination that she had uterine cancer. Bridget was told that she needed to have surgery, which would be followed by chemotherapy and radiation which her doctors said might give her an additional 5 years to live. Bridget felt this was not enough time, so she told her doctors that she wanted to take three months to become more in tune with her body to see if she could change that prognosis on her own.
Bridget had just finished reading Louise Hay’s book You Can Heal Your Life and was inspired by the author’s description of the body’s ability to self heal. Bridget decided to postpone any medical treatment for a few months so she could try what she calls “spiritual healing,” which among other things, including meditation and guided imagery.
The first thing that Bridget looked at was how she was feeding her mind, body, and spirit. Bridget was an avid reader so she went to the library to research further. She says there weren’t a lot of books on healing cancer naturally back in 2002, so she read books that were about general healing instead. She credits the book 8 Weeks to Optimum Health: A Proven Program for Taking Full Advantage of Your Body’s Natural Healing Power for information on the importance of switching to an anti-inflammatory diet. She also found a nutritionist to help guide her.
The natural therapies that Bridgette used to heal from uterine cancer:
- Bridget says that, “cancer feeds on the acidity of the body.” So in order to change that acidity you must begin to eliminate that acid. This is done through the diet by eating leafy greens, fruits and vegetables.
- She also eliminated all dairy products and all meats because they produce acidity in the body and are inflammatory.
- She also went outside frequently for fresh air and sunshine
- She did exercises that included walking and biking.
Bridget also made the decision to only discuss her health issues with her husband and two children as she did not want to be exposed to the negativity or sympathy that often surrounds a diagnosis of cancer.
After 3 months on her new diet Bridget lost 50 lbs and found that her type 2 diabetes had gone away, her rosacea had also cleared up, and the cancerous lining on her uterus had decreased by 50%.

She then added a yoga and meditative routine at which time she would talk to the cancerous cells within her body, telling them that they weren’t welcome as she performed the various poses.
Bridget further embraced her spirituality by creating an spiritual altar in her home which she would fill with trinkets that represented healing. She also met a holistic nurse who was also a Reiki Practitioner. Bridget began to have healing sessions and found them to be such a wonderful addition to her healing program that she made the decision to become a Reiki Teacher and Practitioner herself so that she could help facilitate healing in others.
15 months after beginning her natural treatments Bridget was declared cancer free.
Bridget shares her diagnosis and healing of cancer
A Reiki Healing Session
Update: Bridget Dinsmore passed away in June of 2017 at the age of 74, this was 14 years after healing naturally from uterine cancer.
Additional Resources
Read more about acid/alkaline balance
Read more about cancer fighting foods
Hypothetical anti-cancer diet and supplement regimen
Read some articles on spirituality and yoga
Recommended Reading:
You Can Heal Your Life, by Louise Hay