The problem with having this procedure is that there is no such thing as a sterile root canal.
If you went to your doctor complaining that your appendix was hurting, and your doctor recommended a treatment plan that included cutting the nerve to the appendix so that you would no longer feel the pain, and then cutting the main artery to the appendix so that the organ would die, you would probably find yourself another doctor. But that is exactly what happens when a dentist performs a root canal…. They purposefully leave dead tissue behind.
The problem with root canals
Each year, millions of people have root canals to deal with various dental issues. This procedure is accomplished by drilling a hole into the top of your tooth and then inserting an auger to remove the artery and the nerve. The area is sterilized, the tooth is filled and then it is sealed with a crown. The tooth is no longer living tissue and yet it is left in the mouth of the recipient.
During the procedure, the main canal and some of the side canals are filled with an adhesive cement but there are many other smaller canal-like structures called dentinal tubules that are too small to be filled during the procedure. These smaller tubules can become a safe-haven for colonies of bacteria to grow that will eventually begin to challenge the immune system. When/if the immune systems is at a low point, the microorganisms and the toxins that they produce can begin to settle into a target organ or into the tissues of the breast.
These germs will also produce waste byproducts that your body will have to deal for 24 hours a day, everyday. Your immune system’s white blood cells and any antibiotics that you may be prescribed are totally ineffective against an infected root canal as neither of these is able to travel into the tubules. Ultimately it is the removal of the entire tooth that is required in order to stop the spreading infection.
“All dead tissue left in the body will eventually become infected”
Dentist Frank Jerome stated. “The idea of keeping a dead, infected organ in the body is only thought to be a good idea by dentists. A root canal treated tooth will always negatively effect your immune system.” A recent study published in the Endodontists Journal confirmed this finding, and it involved people who were going to have their wisdom teeth removed in the near future. Prior to the removal, they agreed to have a root canal performed on one side of their mouth, and 3 months later they had all of their wisdom teeth removed. This study revealed that the intact teeth had only 1.1% of the tubules infected, but the root canaled teeth had 39% of the tubules infected. Imagine the amount of infection that might occur had the teeth been left in place for a longer period of time.
Back in the 1920’s, Dr. Weston A. Price performed various experiments which were first hailed by the American Dental Association but later ignored. Dr. Price suspected that bacterial infections were the main culprit behind many of the degenerative diseases that people were suffering from, and he also suspected that many of these health issues arose from infections in the teeth.
As an experiment, he implanted a previously extracted root-canaled tooth under the skin of an animal and found that the diseases that the patient had been suffering from were then transferred into the animals. He also observed that when root-filled teeth were removed from the patient’s mouth, a variety of their health problems improved, some of these included arthritis, kidney problems, and cancer.
What Dr. Price reported was that root-canaled teeth, no matter how good they looked, or how symptom-free they appeared always became infected. Dr. Price documented his findings in two monumental volumes entitled Dental Infections Oral & Systemic and Dental Infections and the Degenerative Diseases. Not surprisingly, the books were effectively suppressed for over 50 years until Dr. George Meinig, a retired endodontist, rediscovered them and republished a shortened version titled Root Canal Cover Up.
Surprisingly, Meinig was also a founding member of the American Association of Endodontists (root canal therapists), and was an early pioneer in the practice, yet he spent the last years of his life trying to get dentists to stop doing the very same procedure that he had helped to perfect.
It should be noted that many people appear to be able to handle root canals without getting cancer. The problem is that there is no way of knowing when your toxic threshold will be reached, and how much damage it may cause. If you are healthy and strong, chances are that these toxins will be quarantined and you will not have a systemic issue. However, if this concerns you, then the safest action might be to have your root canaled teeth extracted. Look for a biological dentist to ensure that this is done in the safest way possible.
“One of the most important things you can do for your health is to remove any already dead teeth still attached to your head, i.e. root canals. Research going back to 1998 found that endodontic therapy (root canal) is associated with high rates of infection (up to 54%) with anaerobic bacteria that live within the MILES of microtubules found within the dead tooth.”
Root canals and their connection to disease
Dr. Diane Meyer talks about root canals and why they can’t ever truly be sterilized. She talks about safe removal of root canals and how that can improve your overall health dramatically.
Additional Resources
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Removing her root canald proved a pivotal step for Linda Donohue’s recovery from ovarian cancer.
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