“When you feel like you’ve reached a breaking point, something beautiful happens: you begin to listen to yourself, your own truth and your own suffering — that’s where healing begins.” My breaking point was when the surgeon in Dubai told me that my husband had cancer and that it was very aggressive. I honestly thought he was going to die right then! After my initial breakdown, I got quiet and listened to my inner voice. “There has to be another way!” That voice led me to the truth about cancer; that there are other cures and we can learn from each other. My husband did not lose his bladder or prostate. He did not have chemo or radiation and he wasn’t’ sick for a single day.” Carol Smith.
Trevor Smith heals from bladder cancer with natural therapies

It was in July if 2012 when Trevor Smith began experiencing terrible back pain. He went to a urologist and was diagnosed with urothelial carcinoma, stage T2A (meaning that the tumor had grown into the inner half of the muscle layer). He was told that the tumor was aggressive and that he would need to have chemo and radiation, as well as a radical surgery that would remove his bladder and prostate. The surgery would also require the doctors to form a neobladder from his intestines so that he would be able to pass urine once again.
Trevor went for a second opinion and was given the very same prognosis. And yet, even if he followed all of their recommendations, his chances of surviving longer than 4 years were very slim and he would most likely be left incontinent as well as impotent.
Trevor and his wife Carol were very concerned about his quality of life if they followed these recommendations and felt like they were being pressured into making an immediate decision. The oncologist and surgeon had both stressed the importance of having the surgery, in fact the surgeon had already scheduled a date for the bladder removal within the next 6 weeks. Carol stated, “Something was screaming at me to take some time before making this radical decision.” When they asked what would happen if he refused the surgery and the chemotherapy they were told that Trevor would have about 18 to 24 months to live.
Carol had already started exploring different alternative therapies. She had found information about Essiac Tea, which is an herbal remedy that was made popular by a Canadian nurse named Rene Caisse (Essiac is Caisse spelled backwards). The original formula came from the native Canadian Ojibwa Indians and it consists of four main herbs that grow in the Canadian wilderness. They include: burdock Root, slippery elm bark, sheep sorrel, and Turkish rhubarb. Trevor began drinking Essiac Tea within one week of being diagnosed. You can read more about Essiac Tea with this link. He also made an appointment with a naturopathic doctor to discuss what else he could do. His blood was tested to see if he was lacking in any nutrients, and it was discovered that he was very low in vitamin D. They put together a plan of action that included a complete diet and lifestyle change as well as taking a variety of supplements.
The therapies that Trevor used to heal from bladder cancer:
- He stopped smoking his usual 30 cigarettes a day
- He began a spiritual healing therapy called Journey Work by Brandon Bays
- He completely changed his diet: no dairy, red meat, sugar, processed foods, white flour or white potatoes.
- He ate a mostly plant-based diet with whole grains, beans, legumes, seeds, vegetables, fruits, along with some fish and chicken for protein
- He drank freshly made juice every day
- He took 1 T of apple cider vinegar mixed into his water daily
- He drank lemon water daily
- He mixed 1/2 tsp of sodium bicarbonate into 1 c of water and drank this once a day to help his body to become more alkaline. Look for natural, like Bob’s Red Mill. This should only be taken on an empty stomach well away from mealtimes. One hour before bed or early in the morning would be a good time to do this.
- He ate only healthy fats including extra virgin olive oil and unrefined coconut oil
- He began using sea salt in place of table salt
- He had daily exercise.
- He took high doses of vitamin C, D3, and K2
- He also supplemented with flax oil and zinc
- He took Vitamin B17 Tablets, 4,000 mg for 21 days, then 1,000 mg after that. One should build the dose slowly and take tablets in divided doses throughout the day about a half hour before mealtimes. You can read more about this in the links at the bottom of the page.
- He took Green Detoxing Powder to help his body to detox
- He took DHEA Supplement to build up his immune system
- He took 4Life Transfer Factor, which is a supplement that is made from grass fed cow’s colostrum, similar to mother’s first milk.
- He took Rain Soul Antioxidants and Essential Fatty Acids Supplement every day which is an immune booster and has given him lots of energy
Trevor also made an alkalizing smoothie that he drank every day. This recipe came from Jack Kungel, who also cured himself from bladder cancer using cannabis oil and diet changes and later became a mentor to Trevor.
- 1 tsp sunflower seeds
- 1 tsp pumpkin seeds
- 12 almonds
- 2 Brazil nuts
- 4 walnut halves
- 2 tbsp hemp hearts
- 1 tsp flax seed ( grind them first then add to mixture)
- handful of spinach
- 1 Brussels sprout
- 3 sprigs of asparagus
- kale
- 2 radishes
- broccoli
- parsley
- 1 slice fresh pineapple
- 1 1/2 inch piece of lemon peel
- 2 strawberries
- 4 blackberries
- 12 blueberries
- 3 chunks of watermelon
- 4 chunks of cantaloupe
- 1 kiwi
- 1 tablespoon of coconut oil
- 1 cup of liquid. This could be filtered water, coconut water, or fresh carrot juice
- Blend all of these together and enjoy.
Trevor did all of these therapies for about 6 months and reports that he was feeling very good and had lost weight while on his new diet. In January of 2013, he began seeing another urologist who was very supportive of their alternative plan and praised them for not having the radical surgery and chemotherapy. Trevor was given a cytoscopy at this time and it revealed that he had a small tumor in his bladder. The doctor laid out several options for them to consider, these included: removing the entire bladder, having a biopsy of the tumor to see what it is, performing laser surgery followed by BCG Therapy, (which introduces a virus directly into the bladder through a catheter with the hopes that this will stimulate the immune system into attacking any remaining cancerous cells), or they could do the “wait and see approach” to see if Trevor’s body could take care of the tumor on its own.
They decided on the laser surgery but they did not want to do the BCG Cocktail at this time. The surgery was scheduled for February 24, at which time the doctor discovered about 20 more superficial tumors. Although they were discouraged by this news, they were also thankful that the tumors were easily removed with the laser and that the cancer was still contained within the bladder.
In May of 2013, Trevor began taking cannabis oil. The couple had watched a documentary about using cannabis oil to cure cancer back in November of 2012, but it took until May before they were able to obtain some quality oil from a legal cannabis facility in California. The couple had to travel to the UK for three months in order to do this therapy as they could not risk being caught with the oil in Dubai. Trevor took 60 grams of cannabis oil over a 10 week period by slowly building up to 1 gram of oil per day. Trevor reports that he did not do well on the oil because the THC made him feel very lethargic and out of sorts, and he says this was a difficult time for him.
Following the cannabis oil, the couple were hoping to get some positive news at the next appointment. But the urologist reported that Trevor had several new tumors located in the out-pouching of his bladder. The doctor assured them that the tumors appeared to be superficial just like before and that they could successfully be removed with another laser surgery.
Trevor struggled emotionally after this setback but eventually he was able to focus once again on healing. Trevor agreed to have the second laser surgery which was performed on Aug 3, 2013. Following that, Trevor agreed to have the series of six weekly BCG viral treatments that began on September 17. Following these treatments Trevor was officially declared cancer free in November of 2013 and further scans confirm that the cancer has not returned.
What he does now:
- He continues to take all of the listed supplements at lower doses
- He has continued with his diet and lifestyle changes
- Continues to make the alkalizing smoothie and drinks it daily
- He started drinking Alkaline Ionized Water. This device filters your water, charges it with negative ions, and adjusts the pH to match your preference.
- He continues to monitor his health closely.

Carol says. “It has been hard for the past 3 years, but we are slowly getting our lives back to normal.” Carol wrote a book about Trevor’s journey though cancer, titled Taking Control: My Journey of Alternative Healing, which was written under the pen-name Alyssia Sade. Carol reports that Trevor’s original urologist in Dubai read the book and then completely changed his diet and lifestyle. He lost more than 20 pounds and credits this information with changing his life as well.
Carol also continues to research and share alternative health related information on her Facebook page and works tirelessly with the goal of helping others to find their way. Trevor’s medical notes have also been saved and can be viewed if you have a Facebook account
In an update posted January 5, 2019 Carol writes, “We were at the doctor’s office for Trevor’s annual cystocopy (a camera inside his bladder to check for any tumors) and we found a tumor in the out-pouching of Trevor’s bladder that it is approximately 2.5 cm. It is superficial and he had laser surgery to remove it. It will be treated with weekly BCG treatments for 6 weeks, then monthly for 6 months, then 3 times per year. Carol stresses how important it is for those who have been diagnosed with cancer to be vigilant with keeping up with appropriate cancer screenings and on sticking with your anti-cancer diet and lifestyle.
Additional Resources
Cancer creates an acidic, low oxygen cellular environment
Read more about eating an alkaline diet
Read about a hypothetical diet and lifestyle plan
Read more about vitamin b17 (laetrile)
Read more about making nutritious smoothies
Find these products online:
Omega Nutrition Center Masticating Juicer
Taking Control: My Journey of Alternative Healing