Carl O. Helvie heals from lung cancer with diet, supplements, and lifestyle changes
In 1974 Carl O. Helvie received his diagnosis of lung cancer and was given only 6 months to live. Doctors immediately wanted to schedule him for surgery to remove the cancerous tumor, but since Carl already worked in the health care industry, he decided to take his time and explore the various holistic options that were available to him.

Carl was able to find a naturopathic doctor who was willing to offer him guidance and together they came up with some very effective non-toxic therapies in order to treat the cancer, you will find them listed below.
Carl was healed from the cancer and could boast that he was the longest living lung cancer survivor…, and he did it all by following his intuition and trusting in holistic medicine.
The natural therapies that Carl used:
- He ate a diet made up of 75% raw fruit and vegetables, along with some complex grains and various nuts and seeds (but no peanuts)
- He eliminated all meat and dairy from his diet
- He eliminated all sugars and all simple carbohydrates such as white rice, potatoes, breads, and other refined grains.
- He used the Budwig Protocol which is said to oxygenate the blood. This protocol consists of eating a mixture of flax oil and cottage cheese. A general recipe is to mix 6 tablespoons of organic cottage cheese with 3 tablespoons of flax oil and thoroughly blend the two together (a hand blender works well for this), then let the mixture sit for five minutes. The mixture can be eaten as is, or topped with pecans/ walnuts and organic berries, or it can be a topping for a green salad, or blended with other fruits and vegetables into a smoothie.
- You can read more about the Budwig Protocol with this link.
- He did a regular fruit and vegetable juice fast for one day each month. Juicing is an excellent way to supply the body with nutrients and can also be helpful in detoxing the body as well. Read more about juicing.
- He ate 25 Organic Bitter Apricot Kernels every day.
- He took 2,000 mg of Vitamin B17 Tablets, taken in divided doses during the day, 1/2 hour before mealtimes. You can read more about B17 and apricot kernels here.
- He took DMG-B15 Capsules which benefits the immune system and has anti-cancer properties, and is a companion supplement for those taking vitamin b17. Dosage is 1 capsule 3 times per day with meals.
- He supplemented with zinc which is a required supplement for those taking laetrile as it helps to transport the laetrile into the cells.
- Pancreatic enzymes were taken between meals to help to soften the protein layer that surrounds cancerous tumors and hides them from the immune system. They are also recommended for those using laetrile as part of their protocol. You can read more about systemic enzyme therapy with this post.
- Vitamin A, was taken at a therapeutic dosage.
- Natural Vitamin E
- Vitamin B Complex
- Trace Mineral Supplement
- He supplemented with Vitamin C
- He took Amino Acid Tablets since he was on a vegetarian diet.
- He maintained a chemical free environment
- He exercised daily
- Used positive thinking and positive affirmations
- Set aside time for daily meditation and prayer
Carl was a featured speaker at the Cancer Control Society’s 2013 conference.
Carl wrote two books detailing his experience with cancer:
Carl had over 60 years of experience as a registered nurse practitioner and holds two masters degrees and one doctorate in public health and wellness. He was the host of the Holistic Health Radio Show, where he reached a larger audience with important holistic health information, and he is the author of numerous articles and books including Healthy Holistic Aging; A Blueprint for Success and You Can Beat Lung Cancer: Using Alternative/Integrative Interventions, in which shares his experience with using alternative therapies to heal from lung cancer.

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