Danny McDonald heals from stomach cancer by drinking wheatgrass juice
It was in 2008 when Danny McDonald of Dunaff, Ireland, was diagnosed with stomach cancer. By the time the cancer was discovered he was already stage 4 and the cancer had spread throughout his body. Doctors recommended chemotherapy, although they weren’t sure if he was strong enough to actually survive these protocols. Danny says, “I told the doctors I wasn’t prepared to undergo the course of treatments they had suggested. I knew it would kill me. They were furious I had come to that conclusion. The consultant warned me I’d be dead in three months.”

Instead Danny decided to use a nutritional approach to healing that entailed drinking freshly made wheatgrass juice. Danny says that this decision was based on much more than just the whim. He had heard about the healing properties of wheatgrass from a friend in Buncrana, and the more he learned about the therapy, the more convinced he became that wheatgrass juice possessed the healing properties that were needed to beat his disease.
Danny had been a farmer for over 60 years, so he used those same skills to grow his first batch with a Wheatgrass Growing Kit. Then a friend showed him how to extract the juice from the plant using a Wheatgrass Juicer. He says, “I didn’t know what to expect, but I was determined to give it a go.” He started by drinking a single ounce of wheatgrass juice every day and then he worked himself up to drinking 7 ounces per day.
He reports “within seven days the burning sensation that I had in my side was gone and I was beginning to feel a lot better. I stopped taking the tablets which had been prescribed (for pain) and I haven’t taken one since. A month later the pain had completely disappeared and I knew I was on the mend. The wheatgrass was working. I had made the right decision to reject the advice of the doctors.” Danny also began to gain his weight back, which had dropped to only 112 pounds.
Danny now weighs a healthy 168 pounds and the cancer that was killing him is now gone. He says, “I know a lot of doctors think that wheatgrass doesn’t have the qualities to kill cancer, but I am living proof that it does. And although many doctors won’t admit it publicly, gradually they are coming round to see the benefits of wheatgrass. When people ask me how I did it and I just say one word, ‘wheatgrass’.”
The healing benefits of wheatgrass
Wheatgrass is a nutrient-rich young grass that is a member of the wheat family. It provides a concentrated amount of nutrients, including selenium, iron, calcium, magnesium, amino acids, chlorophyll, and vitamins A, C, E as well as vitamin B17 (laetrile) which is recognized by alternative health practitioners for its anticancer qualities.
Wheatgrass has been used for centuries as an herbal medicine because of its therapeutic and nutritional properties. A recent advocate of wheatgrass juicing therapy was Ann Wigmore, who opened the first living foods healing institute in 1968. There she nourished terminally ill patients back to health by having them drink fresh wheatgrass juice and eating diets of raw, living foods. This beneficial therapy continues to be used today at various healing centers throughout the United States, including the Hippocrates Health Institute.
Wheatgrass contains chlorophyll – which is beneficial for cleansing the bowel and other elimination systems such as the liver and the blood. When our bodies have access to chlorophyll they are able to manufacture high-quality red blood cells which can help to transport oxygen throughout the body, as well as to the brain. It helps relieve inflammation, is a natural pain reliever, reduces hypertension, and it acts as an efficient detoxification agent by binding to toxins, such as mercury, and carrying them out of your system.
The most effective way to obtain the abundance of nutritional benefits that are found in wheatgrass is by drinking the freshly pressed juice. It can be mixed it together with other freshly made juices or you can add a squeeze of fresh lemon juice to enhance the flavor. You can purchase Wheatgrass Growing Kits online which would allow you to grow your own wheatgrass at home along with Wheatgrass Juicers, or you can look for Wheat Grass Powder online or at your local health food store and add that to your healing protocol.
Juicing wheatgrass with a hurricane juicer
More Testimonials of healing with fresh juice:
Ann Cameron beats stage 4 cancer by drinking carrot juice
Ralph Cole beats stage 3 squamous cell carcinoma with carrot juice
Doris Sokosh heals stage 4 cancer by juicing (mostly carrots) and other therapies
Drew Woodland is healed from Stage 4 Neuroblastoma with juicing and supplements
Read more about the benefits of juicing for those with cancer
Read more testimonials of healing cancer naturally
Find these products online:
Living Whole Foods Certified Organic Wheatgrass Growing Kit
Juicer Machines, Cold Press juicer