Carey Reading heals from Burkitt’s Lymphoma with the Nicholas Gonzalez diet and enzyme protocol

I remember the first moment it all began. I had just finished a rigorous pump class at my gym. As usual, I started my stretching routine, but when I reached for my left toes to get a nice stretch down my back, I felt a ripping sensation down the bottom right quadrant of my back muscles. I had been a yoga student for years. I worked out daily and was a devout vegetarian who was very in tune with my body. Yet, this was my body, actually speaking to me loud and clear, yelling at me from my lower back, “Hey you! I’m Burkitt’s Lymphoma, one of the world’s deadliest cancers. I’m going to suck all of the life out of you and try to kill you!”
I didn’t pay attention to my body’s first cry for help. I had been a model of health and wellness. Over the next six months this outer exterior would work against me as the parasite used my body and looks to masquerade around in. On the outside I was a 32 year old, standing 5′ 9″ and weighed 115 lbs. I was confident and happy, naturally tan with long, thick, blond hair. I was on my way to becoming a court reporter and I felt that the world was my oyster. But on the inside I was dying, quickly and tortuously.
After several months of denying what my body was telling me, I sought the advice of a doctor. I gave her my list of complaints such as: sleeping up to 16 hours a day, my loss of appetite, and night sweats that forced me to change three times a night as I was waking up with soaking sheets. The doctor dismissed my symptoms and her advice was, “you need to get a life” and that I “can’t just sleep all day.” After she complimented me on my weight and physique she sent me on my way. Based on her blind-sighted “doctors orders” I vowed to myself that I would try harder to do better. On her advice, I did try harder but the pain grew stronger. Regardless of that continued pain, which now spread to my lungs and lower back, I was discouraged to seek any other specialist’s input. Even though I had all the symptoms of a cancer patient.
I was finally diagnosed on August 18, 2008 with stage four Burkitt’s Lymphoma, a rare and extremely lethal cancer. I was given only seven to ten days to live. I underwent the most aggressive treatment available to try to kill the cancer without killing me in the process. When that failed, I was a candidate for a stem cell transplant. After experiencing a litany of grueling side effects, I was left with the dismal results that my cancer had returned and I was given three to six months to live.
My life took a turn of events when I turned to Dr. Gonzalez in February of 2010. I was done with the medical community as much as they were done with me. There comes a time in one’s life where a window of opportunity presents itself. For me Dr. Gonzalez was that window. His unique combination of attending to the mind, body, spirit and lifestyle of a person is carefully choreographed into his medical approach, lending itself a pain free, holistic treatment. With the consumption of protein digesting enzymes, supplements, diet and through detoxification, my cancer was eliminated safely and quickly.
The PET scans and Cat scans over this last year have all shown absolutely no signs of cancer. While the medical community may not understand my cancer remission, I am confident that Dr. Gonzalez’s Treatment has saved my life. I am cancer free and I still have my dignity, mental and physical strength, and independence. There is a place for chemotherapy and it did save my life, but only to a point. My cancer “broke” through the chemo and left me as a shell of a person with a very real death sentence. I thank God Dr. Gonzalez was there to take me in, and pick up the pieces of a once whole person and put me back together again. I am eternally thankful for Dr. Gonzalez’s courage to bring a different approach of healing into the world. It is my ultimate dream to see that the Dr. Gonzalez enzyme therapy protocol would be recognized by the medical community for its life saving ability. With this recognition the insurance industry would then see fit to cover the expenses associated with this treatment. Until then, I wonder if there is a way to raise money for those cancer patients who are in dire need of the Gonzalez therapy and cannot afford it.

Dr Nicholas Gonzalez- graduated from Brown University with a degree in English literature before pursuing premedical studies at Columbia University. He then received his medical degree from Cornell University Medical College in 1983.
It was during his postgraduate immunology fellowship under the guidance of Dr. Robert A. Good, an accomplished doctor who is considered to be the father of modern immunology as well as past president of Sloan-Kettering Medical Center, that Gonzalez was asked to review the work of William Donald Kelley, a controversial dentist/ alternative practitioner who cured his own pancreatic cancer and was said to be successfully treating other patients.
During the subsequent review, Dr Gonzalez found Kelley’s work to be so promising that he immediately left conventional medicine and began pursuing a new career in alternative medicine. He says, “I started going through his records and even though I was just a second year medical student, I could see right away there were cases that were extraordinary. Patients with appropriately diagnosed pancreatic cancer, metastatic breast cancer in the bone, metastatic colorectal cancer… who were alive 5, 10, 15 years later under Kelley’s care with a nutritional approach.” William Donald Kelley developed his metabolic therapy back in the 1970’s after curing himself of pancreatic cancer. The therapies that he employed consisted of a diet system based on individual body types, taking high doses of pancreatic enzymes to break down tumors, as well as employing various detoxification methods to clear the body of toxins.
Over the years, Kelley treated thousands of patients, but despite his success stories, he endured endless harassment by a host of government agencies claiming he was practicing medicine without a license and guilty of “other charges”. “He was a dentist – not an MD, therefore he should not be treating those with cancer.”
All that harassment didn’t matter though, because his methods of curing cancer had an astonishing success rate of over 90% for those who followed his program exactly as prescribed. He kept meticulous records so that he could back up his statistics with factual records. You can read more about Kelley’s work in the links at the bottom of the page.
The Trophoblastic Theory- A key concept underlying the original use of pancreatic enzymes for cancer treatment is the trophoblastic theory of cancer. When a human egg is fertilized by sperm, the early cell divisions produce a small ball of cells, which give rise to the blastocyst (or preimplantation embryo). The blastocyst possesses a surrounding layer of cells known as the trophectoderm, which is made of individual cells called trophoblasts. Responsible for protecting the developing blastocyst and for mediating its attachment to the wall of the uterus, trophoblasts create the placenta. During the process of attaching the blastocyst to the uterine wall, trophoblasts express invasive qualities similar to those found in cancer cells. Trophoblasts, however, cease their invasive activity once the placenta is in place and functioning and then differentiate into other cell types.
When Scottish embryologist Dr. John Beard first observed the invasive activity of trophoblasts in 1902, he speculated on the similarities between these cells and cancer cells. In addition, he observed that trophoblast invasiveness begins to decline at about the same time that the pancreas in the developing fetus begins to function. He also theorized that maternal pancreatic enzymes might play a role in containing trophoblastic invasiveness in the uterus. These considerations led to his proposal that cancer cells, like trophoblasts, arise from primordial germ cells. Dr. Beard also thought that some of these primordial cells—carrying latent capacities for invading tissues—could escape and spread throughout the body of the developing fetus. He thought it was possible that pancreatic enzymes modulated the degree of trophoblastic invasiveness in the uterus, he suggested that these same enzymes play a role in either limiting or eliminating cancerous cells elsewhere in the body. Dr. Beard worked before the advent of molecular biology and human genetics. Although unable to experimentally establish that pancreatic enzymes had anticancer effects, he published papers and a book about his theory between 1902 and 1911.
As Dr. Beard had before him, Dr. Kelley also asserted that trophoblasts and cancer cells have a common origin in primordial germ cells. Dr. Kelley maintained that cancer was initiated when primordial germ cells migrated to a point in the body already weakened by toxic exposure and nervous system imbalance. At these presumably compromised sites, the germ cells met no opposition from the immune system and initiated an aggressive invasion of normal tissue, creating malignancy.
The Gonzalez/Isaacs Regimen
Dr. Gonzalez incorporated many of Dr. Beard’s and Dr. Kelley’s key points into his own treatment regimen. The Gonzalez regimen includes use of high doses of pancreatic enzymes, along with nutritional supplements, coffee enemas, and prescriptive diets based on a theory of autonomic dominance.
The Diet Plans for various cancer- there are ten basic diets that range from largely plant-based, raw foods to an Atkins-type red-meat diet where people may be eating fatty red meat two or three times per day depending upon the type of cancer that the patient is suffering from.
- Solid tumors– Dr Gonzalez says, “we divide patients into different metabolic categories, depending upon each patient’s particular genetic, biochemical and physiological make-up. In this model, patients with solid epithelial tumors, such as tumors of the lung, pancreas, colon, prostate, uterus, etc. do best on a largely plant-based diet. Such patients have a metabolism that functions most efficiently with a specific combination of nutrients that are found in fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains and seeds, and with minimal to no animal proteins.”
- Cancers of the blood or immune based cancers– On the other hand, patients with the blood or immune based malignancies such as leukemia, myeloma and lymphoma do best on a high-animal protein, high-fat diet. Such patients do extremely well with a diet based on animal products, with minimal to moderate amounts of plant based foods. The particular design of the diet again depending on the individual patient’s metabolic make-up.
Supplements- Individualized supplement programs with vitamins, minerals, trace elements, as well as glandular extracts from animals such as liver and thymus, help to help repair damaged organs. He says that these nutrients serve to improve the overall metabolic function of patients.
Enzymes– Dr Kelley and Dr Gonzalez both believed that people get cancer because of a malfunctioning pancreas which isn’t producing enough enzymes to break down the protein encapsulation (aka fibrin) on cancerous growths. Therefore he prescribes large amounts of pancreatic enzymes to break down this protein layer. He says that. “every cancer patient takes large quantities of pancreas product in capsule form, which we believe provide the main anti-cancer action. They consist of proteolytic protein-digesting pancreatic enzymes. A lot of the digestive enzymes that you find at the store use plant-based enzymes such as bromelain from pineapples and papain from papaya. They have a digestive capability, however, they are useless against cancer. Plant-based enzymes will not digest a tumor. You have to use animal-based enzymes. We use the enzymes derived from the pig pancreas, because the pig pancreas is most like the human pancreas. For years, endocrinologists used pig insulin to treat diabetics, because of all the commercially available animal sources, pig insulin was most like human insulin in terms of the amino acid sequence. Pig pancreatic enzymes are most similar to human pancreatic enzymes of all the commercially available sources.”
Coffee enemas– As a result of the high doses of enzymes, many tumor particles are released into the bloodstream which can overload the body and liver with toxins. In order to address this overload in an efficient manner he uses coffee enemas, liver flushes and colon cleanses to neutralize and quickly eliminate the toxins from the body.
More from Dr Gonzalez
Dr Gonzalez passed away in July of 2015, but the work with diet, detoxing and enzyme therapies continues with his colleague Dr Linda Isaacs in NYC.

Clinic Information
Linda L. Isaacs, MD
36A East 36th Street
Suite 1A
New York, N.Y. 10016
Phone: 212-213-3337
Fax: 212-213-3414
Link to Dr Isaacs clinic
Testimonials using this protocol:
Ann Cooper heals pancreatic cancer with Gonzalez protocol
Lou Dina heals from lymphoma with the Kelley diet and supplement program
Additional Resources:
Read more about the Kelley and Gonzalez specific diet and supplement programs for specific cancers
Enzyme therapy by Dr Nicholas Gonzalez
Q & A with Dr Gonzalez about his therapy
What does the coffee enema do for cancer patients?
Link to the Kelley diet for cancer
Find these products online:
Nutricology Pancreas, Natural Glandular, Capsules, 720-Count
Different Diets for Different Types DVD