Healing Cancer Naturally Testimonials
This is a collection of featured articles from this website to share more detailed information of the survivor’s journey through cancer. You can access many more testimonials of healing cancer naturally using this link or by clicking the photo at the bottom of the page.
Anal Cancer Healed with Cannabis Oil- Corrie Yelland
Basal Cell Carcinoma removed with black salve – Randall Black
Basal Cell Carcinoma healed with essential oils
Basal Cell Carcinoma healed with a mixture of ginger root and hot peppers- Enoch DeBus
Bladder cancer healed with diet, supplementation and non-toxic therapies- Trevor Smith
Bladder cancer healed by drinking broccoli, carrot and apple juice- Ray Wiseman
Brain Cancer Healed with Alkalizing Diet- Josie Nunez
Brain Cancer healed with Garlic and Curcumin- James McCraw
Brain Cancer healed with an alkaline diet, supplements and emotional healing – Ginger Rollins
Brain Cancer Healed with Macrobiotic Diet- Kevin Raymond
Brain cancer; Healing with a ketogenic diet- Kelli O’Brien
Brain tumor healed with essential oils and diet – Allison Huish
Brain Cancer, Stage 3, Healed with a Raw Vegan Diet- Megan Sherow
Breast and Cervical Cancer Healed with Raw Living Foods- Brenda Cobb
Breast Cancer Healed with Black Salve and Essiac Tea- Di Georgiou
Breast Cancer Healed with Black Salve and Natural Therapies- Veronique Desaulniers
Breast Cancer, healing at the Sanoviv Medical Institute -Sue Macco
Breast Cancer Healed with raw vegan diet and lifestyle changes -Lorraine Day
Breast Cancer Healed with Surgery and Alternative Therapies- Hayley Mills
Breast Cancer; Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma healed with an herbal oncology protocol – Hollie Quinn
Breast Cancer; Invasive Ductal Adenocarcinoma Healed with Gerson Therapy -Rita
Breast Cancer, Inflammatory, Healed with Detox and Natural Therapies- Sue Ledbetter
Breast Cancer, Inflammatory stage 4, healed with diet and alternative therapies-Kathy Bero
Breast Cancer, Healed with a Ketogenic Diet- Elaine Cantin
Breast Cancer, Stage 3, Healed with Raw Vegan Diet and Nutritional Therapies- Janette Murray-Wakelin
Breast Cancer, stage 4, healed with a low-fat vegan diet -Ruth Heidrich
Breast Cancer, Stage 4 Metastasized to Lung and Pancreas Healed with Alkaline Diet- Jessica Biscardi
Breast Cancer Healed with Carrot Juice and Natural Therapies- Doris Sokosh
Carcinoid Cancer; Surrender Followed by Healing- Karen Dennis
Cervical Cancer- Healed with a raw, vegan diet- Jane Van Benthusen
Cervical Cancer, stage 4 Healed by Starving it with supplements and off-label drugs- Jane McLelland
Colon Cancer, Stage 4, Healed with Alkaline Diet and Supplements- Allan Taylor
Colon Cancer, Stage 4, Healed with Carrot Juice- Ann Cameron
Colon Cancer, Stage 3, Healed with Cannabis Oil- Lindsey Martin
Colon Cancer, stage 3, healed with Surgery and Diet Changes- Chris Wark
Colon Cancer, stage 4, healed with diet, essiac tea and beta glucan- John Tanzi
Colon Cancer, Stage 4 Healed with Surgery and Mistletoe Extract- Ivelisse Page
Kidney cancer with metastasis to the adrenal gland and lung healed with herbal therapy- Jim Gordon
Leukemia, Acute Myelocytic, Healed with Macrobiotic diet – Christina Pirello
Leukemia, chronic lymphocytic healed with diet, supplements and exercise – Glenn Sabin
Leukemia- John DiCarlo heals terminal leukemia by drinking dandelion tea
Lung Cancer Healed with Natural Therapies- Dr Carl O. Helvie
Lung Carcinoma Metastasized to Liver and Spine healed with integrative therapies- Donald Factor
Lung Cancer Stage 4 Healed with a Macrobiotic Diet- Janet Vitt
Lung Cancer, Stage 4 Healed with a ketogenic diet- Joe Mancaruso
Lung cancer, terminal, healed with photodynamic therapy- Aine Shaw
Lung cancer healed with an honey and herbal protocol- Ante Kresic
Lymphoma, stage 4 Burkitt’s, Healed with the Gonzalez diet and enzyme protocol- Carey Reading
Lymphoma, Non-Hodgkin’s healed with Gerson Therapy- Joyce Forsythe
Lymphoma healed with Dr Kelleys metabolic protocol- Lou Dina
Lymphoma, Stage 2 Hodgkin healed with natural therapies- Cortney Campbell
Lymphoma, Stage 3, Healed with Natural Therapies- Becky Gaw
Lymphoma, Stage 4 Non-Hodgkin Healed with Laetrile- Sandi Rog
Melanoma, Malignant, Healed with Natural Therapies- Stacy Kneeshaw Jett
Melanoma, Malignant, Healed with Macrobiotic Diet- Marlene McKenna
Multiple Myeloma, stage 4 healed with natural therapies- Dr Charlie Majors
Multiple Myeloma healed with high doses of curcumin and oxygen therapy- Dieneke Ferguson
Neuroblastoma Stage 4 Healed with juicing and supplements- Drew Woodland
Neuroblastoma, Stage 4 Healed with alternative therapies- Connah Broom
Ovarian Cancer Healed with detox and diet changes- Evita Ramparte
Ovarian Cancer Healed with a Macrobiotic Diet- Sanae Suzuki
Pancreatic cancer healed with the Gonzalez protocol- Sarah Ann Cooper
Pancreatic cancer healed with diet, detoxing and laetrile- Felicity Corbin-Wheeler
Pancreatic cancer healed with diet changes, supplements and enzyme therapy- Kim Thacker
Prostate Cancer Healed with the Gerson Protocol- William Holman
Prostate Cancer Stage 4 healed with Gerson Therapy- Issa Khalaf
Prostate cancer, stage 4 healed with a ketogenic diet- Dr Fred Hatfield
Prostate Cancer Stage 4 healed with alkaline diet and Supplements- John Curry
Squamous Cell Carcinoma Metastasized to Lymph nodes healed by drinking carrot juice- Ralph Cole
Stomach cancer, stage 4 healed with drinking wheatgrass juice- Danny McDonald
Testicular Cancer Healed with Natural Therapies- Jeffrey Williams
Testicular cancer healed with a raw diet and supplements – Tom Arguello
Thyroid Cancer Metastasized to Lymph Healed with Natural Therapies- Suzy Griswold
Thyroid Cancer Metastasized to Lymph and Lung Healed with Gerson Therapy- Marcia Schaeffer
Thyroid cancer healed with a raw foods diet and lifestyle changes- Dr Ruby Lathon
Uterine cancer healed with an alkaline diet and spiritual therapies- Bridget Dinsmore
Uterine cancer, stage 4, healed with whole food nutrition- Dr Marilyn Joyce

Read more testimonials of healing cancer naturally
Recommended Reading:
Never Fear Cancer Again by Raymond Francis
Radical Hope; 10 Key Healing Factors, by Kelly Turner PhD.
Radical Remission by Kelly Turner, PhD